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Saturday 18 June 2011


Not one of my drawing programmes are working today, not one. So, here's an oldie posted on top of another oldie .
I have been commanded to stop cycling and survived an x-ray by a machine that looked like it had recently caught fire. I think I am possibly not in a great mood.

Satan visits the children. Wonderful claymation.

Thursday 16 June 2011

As alike as two peas in a nest.

Bad hair day? Pour yourself whatever you fancy, sit back and put your headphones on. Me? I have another two and a half hours to go...

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Sara Baras " Maltinete " Ⅱ

Small dog travelling through the universe.

Just been shuffling through my Picasa album and found my buddy the red dog. So I have teleported him into outer space and pasted him on top of a fractal image I had already played with. The dog layer was "vivid light" at about 60% opacity before I flattened it (for anybody taking notes).
It is so hot outside I almost set fire to my hand by carelessly placing it on the wooden table in the garden. New holidaymakers out back, splish, splash, very excited children which makes a nice change from the invisible wife's yelling into her mobile or yelling at the strange chain of people leaving her house. The postman asked her if she was called Daniella the other day and she said yes. Now, I am totally confused as to who she may be...and I still want to know what happened to Henry, her he under the gravel in the driveway?
And here's a very beautiful piece of music.

Monday 13 June 2011

Technical fault...

otherwise known as me. Before I get into fisticuffs with Manga Studio and Photoshop I will abandon this drawing. I cannot paste where I want, I mean the drawing not fisticuffs. It copies to the clipboard and vanishes into cyberspace when I politely request that it fills the speech balloon with an image...or just completely pastes over it. Radio Three has awful music on this morning, except for right now...which is not bad...but sometimes I cannot take percussion and trumpets and violins all at the same time...oh and flutes or possibly piccaloes or whatever they are called. I mean it sounds like they dumped all the colours in the palette together...which as we all know makes muddy brown.
Excuse me while I go and find a ley line to lie down on.

Sunday 12 June 2011

What children think about but don't let on.

Spent a happy morning in both Chinese shops in town looking for yarn, wool, whatever to knit an Easter bunny for a one year old I know. It is difficult to get out of these shops because of the immense array of packets, shiny things, boxes of marbles (guaranteed to stop me in my tracks), cooking utensils that would gladly slice your fingers free of charge, very strange scratchy flamenco (really?) shawls, fans, bikinis, wooden boxes of donimoes, pickupsticks, playing cards (x-rated), anything and everything made of yellow or tourquoise plastic, and chains of plastic vegetables, which I'm not quite sure what you do with them.
The town is heaving with people from Zaragoza (all here to see the Holy Ghost on Monday, I suppose). The covertible red sports cars driven by long forgotten film stars and filled with cloudy blondes are roaring to a halt at the traffic lights. The ladies of the night (actually ladies of the town's nearest laybys...oh, that's why they are called that?) are sipping coffee at the bar by the post office. The streets are a riot of T-shirts and flip-flops. This is my cue to disappear.
Oh...and now it seems I cannot send emails....

Armstrong, Miller, Mitchell and Webb - WW2 Pilots - Red Nose Day 2009