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Thursday 28 January 2010

One of the worst days of my life.

I'm not the one in the high heels. I've got to stop looking at sites where people post old photos. I remember this vividly. My mum made the dress...and yes...those are oddly new red shoes. I thought they were brilliant but I hated being up there on the stage. Nothing changed much there then.


  1. So pretty! What were you up to in the picture then?

  2. Oh you look so cute, I'm sure I had a dress and shoes just like that too lol!

  3. Oh yes I had some red sandals.
    Were they Clark's?

  4. I was presenting Mrs Henderson with a bouquet at the Dollar annual flowershow...think Midsomers.
    They were red Clarks! And the ribbon around the skirt was embroidered with red and blue flowers from a haberdashery shop in Switzerland. No sequins sewn on by my mother though.


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