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Friday, 8 April 2011


You probably don't think this is true but it is. He did wash my hair though. In fact, I think I may just do a whole book of these snippets from the past.
All my family were odd. My father in his last days, suggested he was straight out of a Le Carre novel and a year later I remembered the old printed photos on black paper with white writing, formulas... and why did I never question the fact he could speak Russian?


  1. I'm glad to hear it's not just my family that are unusual! Made you who you are ;)x

  2. I'll certainly buy a a copy!

  3. Jessie: Your family is interesting. I've seen one on telly!

    Tim: I was thinking of charging about a squiddely million pounds is that okay.

  4. We can negotiate. What's that in euros?

  5. That's going to take some time to workout...about a dustbin full?

  6. I bid a bathtub. (One of those little galvanised ones in front of the kitchen range, not a jacussi-full).


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