It's actually surprisingly tricky to draw faces looking upwards...especially waiters. People on the beach in swimsuits today and it's 17 degrees! I have not much interest in horses but feel really pleased for the fellow that won the Grand National against terrible odds . Wow, he will never forget today.
Ooooohhhh Nooooooooo. I have to have a tooth out and I have to wait two weeks because Spain is effectively shutting down for Easter now. Trip postponed. The panel in the drawing is done in Manga studio, I took a screenshot, transferred to Photoshop because the Manga softaware is a demo only so you can't save.
I do not like Anime art at all. Twelve year olds in stillettos and white socks. Creepy. But I do like this software. I don't know why professional graphics programmes run into thousands of pounds. Maybe they are in league with the bankers. Watched sky news at lunch. I don't know why anyone working in the Bank of Scotland turned up in London today. But don't get me started about RBS........
I shouldn't have downloaded the demo. It's a seriously addictive piece of software and at 39 dollars I might just splurge. I looked through a magazine the other day (trapped in a hairdresser) and the handbags were like three hundred pounds and I am eternally grateful to the Gods that I am more interested in software than handbags.
Oh super. I woke up at five with a screaming, heeby-jeeby toothache and face like a hamster and couldn't get the flight. Excuse me while I go and take a cab out the window.