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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

I'm Spooked.

I was watching an antique show on the television last night where they landed up in an auction room in Kendal. What a funny coincidence, I thought. That's where some of my late father's belongings landed up in the not too distant past.
The camera pans round and there, next to the grandfather clock they are talking one of my father's grandfather clocks...and there on the wall is the Swiss wall clock that used to hang in his study...and there is the wooden baby, high chair that my mum used to keep a potted cyclamen on...and there is the big green , glass vase that lived in the cupboard in the hall. I'm still spooked. Is this a message or something?


  1. Poor Merrill!
    I saw that antiques programme too. The items they were selling didn't grab me at all but I wonder how they got on with selling 'your' ones? That must have really freaked you out seeing all that!xx

  2. I would never deal with them again. Major crooks. I just don't have the space here for huge furniture.

  3. We went there about a year ago and there was a bright orange David Dickinson doing a piece to camera. I was REALLY spooked.

  4. This is very spooky indeed - but so is watching this Antiques programme in Catalunya.

  5. It was full of sheep when I went there.


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